Burlington county library system mobile app download. New ebook additions burlington county library system. New video tutorial on rosetta stone this is a great time to learn a new. As a member library of the burlington county library system, we are a free fullservice library chartered in 1758 by king george ii. The microfilm is available at the burlington county library in westampton. Our digital products include hoopla, which allows patrons to borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks. Following directives from the attorney generals office and the new jersey department of health we are issuing covid19 case information in a new format. If you are a library card holder in and of the burlington county library system below, you can locate books, movies, music and more with easy search features designed for mobile devices.
Burlington county library resources for businesses. Govenor phil murphy mandated the indefinite closure of all municipal, county, and state public libraries libraries and computer labs at public and private higher educational institutions. You can file an unemployment claim at you cannot access this online, there is a telephone option for burlington county residents. Camden county library system already offers tumblebooks library for kids. Simply add your burlington county library system new jersey card number and pin or password.
Databases provided by new jersey state library accessible from anywhere within new jersey. Burlington county library headquarters in westampton, new. The burlington county library system provides access to over 900,000 volumes within the system, a multimillion dollar reference collection, over periodicals in print or electronic format, as well as more than 70 electronic databases covering education, health, careers, college catalogs, business, history, multicultural issues and genealogy. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the burlington county library system digital collection. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the ocean county library digital collection. Your library card gives you instant access to digital videos including instructional media, documentaries and fulllength feature films. Transparent language online languagelearning program that provides an effective, fun, and engaging experience. Libby is an easytouse reading experience from overdrive, the library systems ebook and audio ebook provider. Your library card gives you instant access to digital videos including. The library laws of new jersey dictate that only those residents. Burlington county library system 5 pioneer boulevard westampton, nj. All library locations are currently closed to the public. We answer questions big and small, and even when were closed, our digital content is always available. If you have a current library card, you already have access to these resources.
Find your library hours by browsing through libraries in the county of burlington. The burlington county library systems events calendar features lots of programs for adults ready to explore their interests, improve their skills, or just try something different in 2020. Digital ebooks and audiobooks, including exclusive content from recorded books. Local history information at the new jersey state library locating nursing literature. Burlington county library orientation and teen reading summer opportunities after school media center homework club doint miss out we have over ebooks. The mission of the burlington county library system foundation is to seek private financial support to shape libraries as a fundamental community resource for now and for future generations.
In addition, there is a collection of ebooks for teens, audiobooks and steamy romance novels for adults. Get free access to thousands of movies with your library card. The library is closed to the public until we are able to reopen. Camden county library system dream explore imagine. What you borrow will be automatically returned 24 hours from the time you start viewing. Cinnaminson branch library burlington county library. Jul 09, 2019 this program has been cancelled this class will explore the overdrive digital library and introduce you to the world of ebooks. Evesham branch library burlington county, nj special information in response to covid19. Library and collections burlington county historical society. In addition, the bordentown branch library holds copies of the newspaper on microfilm from 18552009 and hardcopy issues from 2009september 2015. Can i use my mount laurel library card to borrow materials from the burlington county library.
Until august tumblebooks is offering tumblebooks math for grades k6. Download center borrow and download ebooks, eaudiobooks and videos to your computer or portable device. Download ebooks and audiobooks to your computer, or transfer to your ipod, mp3 player, ereader or other portable device 247. Burlington or monmouth residents need to bring their county library card and proof of address to activate reciprocal borrowing privileges. The ocean county library has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the burlington county library and the monmouth county library systems which permit our residents to borrow materials from these fine library systems and permit residents of burlington and monmouth counties who belong to their county library system to borrow books and materials. Virtual and athome activities for time off with the family. Dec 24, 2019 the burlington county library systems events calendar features lots of programs for adults ready to explore their interests, improve their skills, or just try something different in 2020. The library is open wednesdays and thursdays from 15 p. This online resource is available to all public libraries in new jersey by funding through the new jersey state library. Delanco library association 2020 3 burlington avenue.
Online learning platform that offers a large video library of high quality courses. Young readers can find a good book to read with readalike recommendations by title, author or series. All are funded by state or local sources to provide you with free access. Authors and illustrators born in or associated with new jersey family literacy resources summer reading program 2016 youth services forum library support services library trustees strategic planning library directors directories of nj libraries new jersey public libraries erate grants for libraries library law librarian certification. Woodward, 1980, burlington county historical society edition, in english new ed. The public libraries in or near burlington county, nj, including burlington county public library location, finance, staff, volume, program, etc. New jersey public libraries new jersey state library.
See the new ebook additions collection from burlington county library system. The burlington county library in westampton will be open from 9 a. Welcome to elibrary, where you access library materials from home. Burlington county health department announces additional cases of covid19. The farm journal farm directory of burlington county.
Mar 05, 2020 are you thinking of taking the plunge into ebooks and downloadable audiobooks, but holding back because youre not a techie. No special device is need, you can download ebooks and audiobooks to your computer or laptop. Our library has been in continuous service to the city of burlington and burlington township since 1758. To get your card, bring current identification and proof of ocean county residency to any branch. The artifact, archive, and library collections at the burlington county historical society are important resources for researchers interested in exploring new jersey, burlington county, family history, and genealogy. If you cannot access this online, there is a telephone option for burlington county residents.
Growing a business burlington county, nj official website. Browse, borrow, and enjoy titles from the burlington public library digital collection. Come to elibrary office hours with your library car. Access thousands of titles you can explore onthego using your tablet, smartphone or computer. Sep 30, 2018 the burlington county library in westampton will be open from 9 a. If you are not registered for library services, click or tap here to register now.
Burlington county library system, westampton township, new jersey. The burlington county library, visited by 993,650 individuals in 2018, is providing online resources, streaming movies, ebooks and audio ebooks for its patrons. The bordentown register and registernews issues are available on microfilm from may 25, 1855 to december 31, 2009. Click the image above to be redirected to the bcls kanopy login page. Learn the difference between audiobooks and ebooks, how to search f. Burlington public library is here to serve the community. The farm journal farm directory of burlington county new jersey 19. Burlington county library headquarters in westampton.
Cinahl complete psycarticles for new jersey state library renewing a book in the catalog requesting a book in the catalog using elibrarynj and overdrive to download ebooks and audiobooks using psychology databases using the new jersey court rules database. You may also apply for a card through our website, however, a valid ocean county, nj address id must be. Teachers and parents can use tools to create reading. Burlington public library eliminates overdue fines for childrens and teens materials. See search results in the burlington county library system digital collection. Bcls consists of our main location in westampton plus seven branches.
Burlington county, nj official website official website. Are you thinking of taking the plunge into ebooks and downloadable audiobooks, but holding back because youre not a techie. County services available online burlington county, nj official. As part of their business gateway, the burlington county library provides guides to community, government, and library resources for growing, managing, competing, and marketing your business. Burlington public library will no longer charge overdue fines for childrens and young adult teen materials. Whether you come here every day or havent stopped in years, we are here for you. Take notice, that the regular public meeting of the burlington county library commission is scheduled to be held on tuesday, april 21, 2020. Please do not leave book donations at the library, in the entry or in the book drop. Dec 15, 2009 open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Includes online card catalog, hours, services, location, staff directory, history of the library and virtual art tour, library cards and policies, friends of the library membership and activities, genealogy resources and contact information. Just click on emergency plans and follow the directions. We provide interesting and enlightening materials for education and personal enrichment.
All you need is a cape may county library card and internet access. Best 30 public library in burlington township, nj with. Open library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published. Mar 28, 2020 the burlington county library, visited by 993,650 individuals in 2018, is providing online resources, streaming movies, ebooks and audio ebooks for its patrons. Browse our collection and borrow a title for 3, 5 or 7 days.
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